Second Station – Jesus Accepts his Cross
John 19:16-17
My instrument of suffering and death has been thrust on me. Should I curse this heavy timber and those who laid it on me? No. The cross is neither bad nor good. My response alone determines whether it will be redemptive or destructive, helpful or worthless…
You also must carry the instruments of your own suffering and death. You were born with defects that you may control but never abolish. You have fatal flaws that cause pain and suffering for yourself and others. You want to be kind, patient, and understanding, but at times you find yourself mean, short-tempered and cynical. Yet you must not curse yourself or your limitations. That becomes like quicksand pulling you down lower and lower.
My cross did not come only from Pilate or from the Roman soldiers. Ultimately, my cross came when I took on my Father’s work and became human. Your crosses are much the same. They are your credentials for being human. The question is not whether life brings crosses, but rather your response to them.
I embraced my humanity. You must embrace your humanity. Resisting crosses leads to self-hatred, hatred of others, and bitterness. Some woods are stronger than steel because they bend. Learn to bend. Learn the wisdom of triumphing through your crosses rather than in spite of them.
Our Father... Hail Mary... Glory be...