Prayer and Devotions

"This mystery, then, requires that the faithful believe in it, that they celebrate it, and that they live from it in a vital and personal relationship with the living and true God. This relationship is prayer." CCC 2558

We come to know God, we celebrated what we know, we are living it, and behold now we are to become it. Now we must "pray" and enter ever more deeply into a relationship with Him Who First loved us, "while we were still sinners". The gift of self in this relationship is fundamental, since He has loved us giving it all up for just us, we are called to do likewise. Let love given match the love received.  Prayer is first an exchange between strangers, then friends, and then spouses. It begins first restrained by ourselves to words, then a change of life, and then ultimately a gift of persons. Receiving Christ's love and returning that love, when it is easy and blissful, and when it is difficult and filled with suffering.

Why should I pray?

The Catechism tells us...
The Saints tell us...
Scripture tells us...

What are you looking for?

This provides you with convenient access to many useful resources for your prayer life and powerful prayers to aid you. 

What prayers and/or devotions would you like us to add? Tell us

Prayers for Specific Circumstance

We all know there are times we have a desire but don't always know how to express it. These prayers will help you ask for what you need, while keeping you grounded in Catholic Theology.

Prayers of Surrender

As the sword image above signifies, ("Voluntas Dei Pax Nostra" means) in God's Will is our peace. Thus, we know everything we encounter is wworking toward our salvation.

Resources for Mass Participation

As the sword image above signifies, ("Voluntas Dei Pax Nostra" means) in God's Will is our peace. Thus, we know everything we encounter is wworking toward our salvation.

Station of the Cross

St. Paul says we are untied to Christ not just in His death but His resurrections and Jesus tells us to take up our cross here are a few meditations on the passion of our Innocent Lord.

Daily/Common Prayers

The more frequently we raise our hearts to God, the more virtuous we become. We must frequently remember His love and our love for Him here are some tips and prayers.

Preparing for the Sacrament of Confession, Penance, and Reconciliation

Sometimes it can be nerve racking, admitting the terrible things we have done. We trust in a God Who saves. Here are some helpful tips prayers, etc.

Popular Litanies

Litanies are lists of corresponding intentions used for devotional purposes or spiritual growth. 


Our particular devotions to the Holy Family, keep us contemplating what it means to be virtuous, and we will find no greater spiritual help than their intercession. There are some to other saints as well.

Helpful Knowledge of the Faith

It is the basics that we use the most, see this page to help you know them 


Poetry allows one to contemplate mysteries with new means of insight.

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