Helpful Faith-Enhancing Applications and Services
Catholic AIs
Master Catechism AI
Searches A number of Catechisms to answer a Question
Catholic Answer's AI Apologist, Justin
This AI is tailored to answer the most difficult questions other faiths may pose to the Catholic Faith.
For every new session, you will need a new access code, click "get access code" to get started...
Catholic AI
A Catholic Bible AI. Click the info below to get started...
Masiterium AI
Magisterium AI is an advanced resource for accessing Catholic Church teachings, available 24/7. It provides quick and accurate answers, referencing over 11,700 Church documents from both the Extraordinary and Ordinary Magisterium. The tool’s Scholarly Mode also includes free access to over 2,300 theological and scriptural works, such as writings by Church Fathers and Doctors like St. Thomas Aquinas and St. Augustine, as well as the Bible and major biblical commentaries.
Each answer includes citations for easy verification, and Magisterium AI is continuously updated through partnerships that bring in rare Catholic books and documents not found online, expanding its resourcefulness and reliability for research, learning, and theological exploration.
Phone Applicaitons
The MassTimes App
The purpose of the MassTimes ministry is to help Catholics get to Mass by helping them find churches and worship times worldwide. We do this by hosting and sharing the most comprehensive database of Catholic churches and worship times in existence. Dioceses, parishes, and many volunteers help us keep the database current. We also host the website and iOS/Android apps that our visitors use to search for churches.
The iBreviary is your portable breviary. You can use it to pray with the full texts of the Liturgy of the Hours in just five languages.
The Hallow app is an attempt to share these prayer techniques – the same ones that changed my life – with as many people as we can. We believe that prayer and meditation has the power to change the world. We believe that if we let Him, God will hallow – meaning “make holy” – our lives.
The Covenant Eyes app allows you freedom through transparency. The app sits quietly on all of your devices, monitors your screen activity, and provides protection through blocking. Install this on all the devices that need to be monitored.
The Victory app delivers an easy-to-use activity feed and alerts if concerning activity is detected. Specially curated courses are also available right from the app to help both you and your ally along your journey. Install this to view device activity, receive alerts, and access courses.
We saw a growing need for parishes to have a mobile presence. The ability for a parish to connect well with their parishioners throughout the week is invaluable. We took deliberate steps when creating myParish App...
The Sanctify app is a digital tool that helps new and seasoned investors make well-informed decisions to create a financial portfolio in line with Catholic values.
Flocknote is a great program that is an alternative to both Discord and the myParish app.
Word on Fire Digital
Get instant access to all films and study programs! No fiddling with discs or menus. Quickly play any video, on your devices, within seconds.
Catholic Exorcism
The definitive Catholic exorcism app, created by the St. Michael Center for Spiritual Renewal. This app was created to continue the Center's spiritual renewal, healing, and deliverance ministry, including assisting priests and those in deliverance ministry with the best practices and resources.
Available on the Apple and Google
Links to specific prayers provided by this resource are linked here.
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