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Abortion, Declaration on: (CDF, 1975)
Abortion and Euthanasia, On Combatting: By Pope John Paul II (1991)
Ad Apostolorum Principis: On Communism and the Church in China (1958)
Ad Caeli Reginam: Proclaiming the Queenship of Mary (1954)
Ad Catholici Sacerdotii: On Catholic Priesthood (1935)
Ad Extremas: On Seminaries for Native Clergy (1893)
Ad Petri Cathedram: On Truth, Unity and Peace (1959)
Ad Sinarum Gentem: On the Supranationality of the Church (1954)
Aeterna Dei Sapientia: On St. Leo the Great (1961)
Aeterni Patris: On Restoring Christian Philosophy (1879)
AIDS, Letter Concerning: (Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger, 1988)
Anni Sacri: On Combating Atheistic Progaganda (1950)
Arcanum: On Christian Marriage (1893)
Au Milieu Des Sollicitudes: On the Church and State in France (1892)
Auspicato Concessum: On St. Francis of Assisi (1882)
Auspicia Quaedam: On Public Prayer for World Peace and Solution of the Problem of Palestine (1948)
Caritate Christi Compulsi: On the Sacred Heart (Pius XI, 1932)
Catholicae Ecclesiae: On Slavery in the Missions (Leo XIII, 1890)
Centesimus annus: On the Hundreth Anniversary of Rerum Novarum (John Paul II, 1991)
Christi Nomen: On the Propagation of Faith and Eastern Churches (Leo XIII, 1894)
Communium Interpretes Dolorum: An Appeal for Prayers for Peace (Pius XII, 1945)
Concordat Between the Holy See and the German Reich: (1933)
Constanti Hungarorum: On the Church in Hungary (Leo XIII, 1893)
Credo of the People of God: (Paul VI, 1968)
Cum Multa: On Conditions in Spain (Leo XIII, 1882)
Custodi Di Quella Fede: On Freemasonry (Leo XIII, 1892)
Dall'alto Dell'apostolico Seggio: On Freemasonry in Italy (Leo XIII, 15 October 1890)
Datis Nuperrime: Condemning the Ruthless Use of Force in Hungary (Pius XII, 5 November 1956)
Deiparae Virginis Mariae: On the Possibility of Defining the Assumption as a Dogma of the Church (Pius XII, 1 May 1946)
Diuturnum: On the Origin of Civil Power (Leo XIII, 29 June 1881)
Dives in Misericordia: On the Mercy of God (John Paul II, 30 November 1980)
Divini Redemptoris: On Atheistic Communism (Pius XI, 19 Mar 1937)
Divino Afflante Spiritu: On Promotion of Biblical Studies (Pius XII, 30 September 1943)
Doctor Mellifluus: On St. Bernard of Clairvaux, the Last of the Fathers (Pius XII, 24 May 1953)
Dominicae Cenae: On the Mystery and Worship of the Eucharist (John Paul II, 24 February 1980)
Dominum et Vivificantem: On the Holy Spirit (John Paul II, 18 May 1986)
Ecclesia de Eucharistia: (John Paul II, 2003)
Ecclesia Dei: (John Paul II, 1988)
Ecclesiae Fastos: On Saint Boniface (Pius XII, 1954)
Ecclesiam Suam: On the Church (Paul VI, 1964)
Etsi Cunctas: On the Church in Ireland (Leo XIII, 1888)
Etsi Nos: On Conditions in Italy (Leo XIII, 1882)
Euthanasia, Declaration on: (CDF, 1980)
Euthanasia and Abortion, On Combatting: By Pope John Paul II (1991)
Evangelii Praecones: On Promotion of Catholic Missions (Pius XII, 1951)
Evangelium Vitae: On the Value and Inviolability of Human Life (John Paul II, 1995)
Evolution, Address on (John Paul II, 1996)
Exeunte Lam Anno: On the Right Ordering of Christian Life (Leo XIII, 1888)
Familiaris Consortio: On the Family (John Paul II, 1981)
Families, Letter to: (John Paul II, 1994)
Fidei Donum: On the Condition of the Catholic Missions (Pius XII, 1957)
Fulgens Corona: Proclaiming a Marian Year (Pius XII, 1953)
Fulgens Radiatur: On Saint Benedict (Pius XII, 1947)
Gaudium et Spes , Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modern World (Vatican II)
Grande Munus: On Saints Cyril and Methodius (Leo XIII, 1880)
Grata Recordatio: On the Rosary (John XXIII, 1959)
Haurietis Aquas: On Devotion to the Sacred Heart (Pius XII, 1956)
Homosexual Persons, Letter on the Pastoral Care of: (Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, 1986)
Humanae Vitae: On the Regulation of Birth (Paul VI, 1968)
Humani Generis: On Evolution (Pius XII, 12 August 1950)
Humanum Genus: On Freemasonry (Leo XIII, 1884)
Iampridem: On Catholicism in Germany (Leo XIII, 6 January 1886)
Immortale Dei: On the Christian Constitution of States (Leo XIII, 1885)
In Ipso: On Episcopal Reunions in Austria (Leo XIII, 1891)
In Multiplicbus Curis: On Prayers for Peace in Palestine (Pius XII, 24 October 1948)
In Plurimism: On the Abolition of Slavery (Leo XIII, 1888)
In Supremo Apostolatus: Apostolic Letter Condemning the Slave Trade (Gregory XVI, 1839)
Indulgentiarum Doctrina: Apostolic Constitution on Indulgences (Paul VI, 1967)
Ineffabilis Deus: Pius IX encyclical on the Immaculate Conception (1854)
Ingravescentibus Malis: On the Rosary (Pius XI, 29 Sep 1937)
Ingruentium Malorum: On Reciting the Rosary (Pius XII, 15 September 1951)
Inscrutabili Dei Consilio: On the Evils of Society (Leo XIII, 1878)
Inter Insigniores: CDF document on women's ordination (1976)
Invicti Athlatae: On Saint Andrew Bobola (Pius XII, 16 May 1957)
Iucunda Semper: On the Rosary (Leo XIII, 1894)
Laborem Exercens: On Human Work (John Paul II, 1981)
Laetamur Admodum: On Prayers for Peace for Poland, Hungary and the Middle East (Pius XII, 1956)
Laetitiae Sanctae: On the Rosary (Leo XIII, 1893)
Lamentabili Sane: Syllabus of Errors (Holy Office, 1907)
Le Pélérinage De Lourdes: Warning Against Materialism (Pius XII, 1957)
Letter to Families: (John Paul II, 1994)
Liberation Theology, Instruction on: (SCDF, 1984)
Libertas: On the Nature of Human Liberty (Leo XIII, 1888)
Licet Multa: On Catholics in Belgium (Leo XIII, 1881)
Litteras A Vobis: On the Clergy in Brazil (Leo XIII, 1894)
Luctuosissimi Eventus: On Prayers for the People of Hungary (Pius XII, 1956)
Magnae Dei Matris: On the Rosary (Leo XIII, 1892)
Magni Nobis: On the Catholic University of America (Leo XIII, 1889)
Marialis Cultus: On Devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary (Paul VI, 1974)
Masonic Associations, Declaration on, (SCDF, 1983)
Mater Et Magistra: Christianity and Social Progress (John XXIII, 1961)
Mediator Dei: On the Sacred Liturgy (Pius XII, 1947)
Meminisse Luvat: On Prayers for the Persecuted Church (Pius XII, 1958)
Mens Nostra: On Promotion of the Spiritual Exercises (Pius XI, 1929)
Mirabile Illud: On the Crusade of Prayer for Peace (Pius XII, 1950)
Miranda Prorsus: On the Communications Field (Pius XII, 1957)
Miserentissimus Redemptor: On Reparation to the Sacred Heart (Pius XI, 1928)
Mit Brennender Sorge: On the Church and the German Reich (Pius XI, 1937)
Mortalium Animos: Encyclical on Religious Unity (Pius XI, 1928)
Musicae Sacrae: On Sacred Music (Pius XII, 1955)
Mysterium Fidei: On the Holy Eurcharist (Paul VI, 1965)
Nobilissima Gallorum Gens: On the Religious Question in France (1884)
Non Abbiamo Bisogno: On Catholic Action in Italy (1931)
Nostra Aetate , Declaration on Non-Christian Religions (Vatican II)
Octobri Mense: On the Rosary (1891)
Officio Sanctissimo: On the Church in Bavaria (1887)
On Combatting Abortion and Euthanasia: By Pope John Paul II (1991)
Optatissima Pax: On Public Prayers for Peace (1947)
Ordinatio Sacerdotalis: Apostolic Letter Reserving Priesthood to Men alone (1994)
Orientale Lumen: On the Eastern Churches (1995)
Orientales Omnes Ecclesias: On the Reunion of the Ruthenian Church with Rome (1945)
Orientalis Ecclesiae: On St. Cyril, Patriarch of Alexandria (1944)
Orientalium Ecclesiarum , Decree on Eastern Catholic Churches (Vatican II)
Pacem in Terris: Peace on Earth (John XXIII, 1963)
Pascendi Dominici Gregis: Doctrine of the Modernists (Pius X, 1907)
Pœnitentiam Agere: On the Need for Penance (John XXIII, 1962)
Pastoralis Officii: On the Morality of Dueling (Leo XIII --1891)
Pergrata: On the Church in Portugal (Leo XIII, 1886)
Persona Humana: Declaration on Sexual Ethics (CDF, 1975)
Populorum Progressio: On the Development of Peoples (Paul VI, 1967)
Princeps Pastorum: On the Missions (John XXIII, 1959)
Quadragesimo Anno: On Reconstruction of the Social Order (Pius XI, 15 May 1931)
Quam Aerumnosa: On Italian Immigrants (Leo XIII, 10 December 1888)
Quamquam Pluries: On Devotion to St. Joseph (Leo XIII, 15 August 1889)
Quarto Abeunte Saeculo: On the Columbus Quadricentennial (Leo XIII, 1892)
Quas Primas: On the Feast of Christ the King (Pius XI, 11 Dec 1925)
Quemadmodum: A Plea for the Care of the World's Destitute Children (Pius XII, 1946)
Quod Apostolic Muneris: On the Evils of Socialism (1878)
Quod Anniversarius: On the Occasion of the Sacerdotal Jubilee of Leo (Leo XIII, 11 April 1888)
Quod Auctoritate: Proclaiming the Extraordinary Jubilee (Leo XIII, 22 December 1885)
Quod Multum: On the Liberty of the Church (Leo XIII, 22 August 1886)
Rappresentanti In Terra: On Christian Education (Pius XI, 1929)
Redemptoris Mater: Mother of the Redeemer (John Paul II, 1987)
Redemptoris Nostri Cruciatus: On the Holy Places in Palestine (Pius XII, 1949)
Redemptor Hominis: On the Redeemer of Man (1979)
Rerum Omnium Perturbationem: On St. Frances de Sales (Pius XI, 1923)
Sacerdotii Nostri Primordia: On Saint John Vianney (John XXIII, 1963)
Sacra Virginitas: On Consecrated Virginity (1954)
Saeculo Exeunte Octavo: On the Independence of Portugal (1940)
Saepe Nos: On Boycotting in Ireland (1888)
Sancta Dei Civitas: On Mission Societies (1880)
Sapientia Christiana: On Ecclesiastical Universities and Faculties (1979)
Sapientiae Christianae: On Christians as Citizens (1890)
Sempiternus Rex Christus: On the Council of Chalcedon (1951)
Sertum Laetitiae: On the Start of the Church in the United States (1939)
Sexual Ethics, Declaration on: (CDF, 1975)
Sexuality, The Truth and Meaning of Human: (PCF, 1996)
Signum Magnum: On Our Lady (Paul VI, 1967)
Spectata Fides: On Christian Education (1885)
Sublimus Dei: On slavery in the New World (1537)
Summi Maeroris: On Public Prayers for Peace (1950)
Summi Pontificatus: On the Unity of Human Society (1939)
Superiore Anno: On the Rosary (1884)
Supremi Apostolatus Officio: On Devotion of the Rosary (1883)
Television and the Family: (John Paul II, 1994)
Tertio Mellennio Adveniente: As the Third Millennium Draws Near (John Paul II, 1994)
Truth and Meaning of Human Sexuality, The: (PCF, 1996)
Ubi Arcano Dei Consilio: On the Peace of Christ in His Kingdom (Pius XI, 1922)
Unam Sanctam: (Boniface VIII, 1302)
Universi Dominici Gregis: On the Vacancy of the Apostolic See and the Election of the Roman Pontiff (John Paul II, 22 February, 1996)
Ut Unum Sint: That All May Be One (John Paul II, 25 May 1995)
Vehementer Nos: On the French Law of Separation (Pius X, 11 Feb 1906)
Veritatis Splendor: Splendor of Truth (John Paul II, 5 October 1993)
Vi è ben noto: On the Rosary and Public Life (Leo XIII, 1887)
Vix Pervenit: On Usury and Other Dishonest Profit (Benedict XIV, 1745)
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