Bible Study Guide 3

Introduction to Theology of The Body Study


"The Theology of the Body," delivered by John Paul II in 129 catechetical addresses from 1979 to 1984, explores the mystery of love as it flows from the Trinity, through Christ’s spousal relationship with the Church, and is realized in human relationships and the human body. This work addresses misunderstandings about the Church's teachings on sexuality by examining scriptural premises and situating marriage, family, and sexuality within God's divine plan of love and salvation.

A new critical translation by biblical scholar Michael Waldstein (linked at the bottom of this page) provides a meticulous and insightful presentation of John Paul II's vision of the human person. This edition includes a preface by Cardinal Schönborn, a foreword by Dr. Christopher West, comprehensive indexes, and a reference table for papal texts. Despite cultural shifts away from objectivity, this study underscores the enduring beauty and truth in the Church's teachings on sexuality, emphasizing that with Christ’s support, the challenges of Christian life are surmountable.

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A Quote from John Paul II on Man and Love

This would be a great idea to introduce this study with...

"Man cannot live without love. He remains a being that is incomprehensible for himself, his life is senseless, if love is not revealed to him, if he does not encounter love, if he does not experience it and make it his own, if he does not participate intimately in it. This, as has already been said, is why Christ the Redeemer "fully reveals man to himself". If we may use the expression, this is the human dimension of the mystery of the Redemption. In this dimension man finds again the greatness, dignity and value that belong to his humanity. In the mystery of the Redemption man becomes newly "expressed" and, in a way, is newly created. He is newly created! "There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus". The man who wishes to understand himself thoroughly-and not just in accordance with immediate, partial, often superficial, and even illusory standards and measures of his being-he must with his unrest, uncertainty and even his weakness and sinfulness, with his life and death, draw near to Christ. He must, so to speak, enter into him with all his own self, he must "appropriate" and assimilate the whole of the reality of the Incarnation and Redemption in order to find himself. If this profound process takes place within him, he then bears fruit not only of adoration of God but also of deep wonder at himself. How precious must man be in the eyes of the Creator, if he "gained so great a Redeemer", and if God "gave his only Son "in order that man "should not perish but have eternal life". Redemptoris hominis, 10. (Click here to read more)

In this study...

The Full Text of all Theology of the Body Audiences can be found here.

Quotes about Theology of the Body

“The Theology of the Body is the Church’s answer to the great heresy of our time, the Sexual Revolution.”

-Peter Kreeft, Professor of Philosophy, Boston College

“… a kind of theological time-bomb set to go off with dramatic consequences.” It “has barely begun to shape the Church’s theology, preaching, and religious education. When it does, it will compel a dramatic development of thinking about virtually every major theme in the Creed.”

-George Weigel, Author of Witness to Hope: The Biography of Pope John Paul II

“It would be hard to argue that there is a presentation of human sexuality that is more beautiful or more faithful to Scripture.” John Paul II “illuminates for all believers … that [our creation as male and female] … connects us to a mystery that is far larger and more profound than each of us can fathom.” John Paul II’s teaching “helped me see how profound Christianity is in answering the deepest questions we all have about who we are and how we are called to relate to others and to God.”

-Glenn Stanton, Focus on the Family

“I predict that Protestants, especially evangelicals, will embrace the Theology of the Body in greater and greater numbers in the years ahead … those who do will come to an understanding of sexual morality that is grounded in divine revelation … If the church can recover that kind of sexual morality, then I think the church will be in the position to launch the second sexual revolution that John Paul longed for and sought to prepare the way for.”

-Dr. Craig Carter, Tyndale University College and Seminary

"The great merit of John Paul II's Theology of the Body is precisely the depth of its Biblical engagement and its effort to wrestle with the entire Biblical vision of human sexuality." 

- Dr. David Schindler, editor of the English critical edition of the Theology of the Body.

"Marriage is the real vocation crisis in the United States... We have a vocation crisis to life-long, life-giving, loving, faithful marriage. If we take care of that one, we'll have all the priests and nuns we'll need for the Church." 

- Cardinal Timothy Dolan, highlighting the Theology of the Body's emphasis on the vocation of marriage.

"The body, in fact, and only the body, is capable of making visible what is invisible: the spiritual and the divine. It has been created to transfer into the visible reality of the world, the mystery hidden from eternity in God, and thus to be a sign of it." - A quote from the Theology of the Body itself (19:4), which a commentator calls John Paul II's "thesis statement" for the work.[3]

"Christian ethos is characterized by a transformation of the human person's conscience and attitudes... such as to express and realize the value of the body and sex according to the Creator's original plan." - Another quote from the Theology of the Body (45:3), highlighting its call for a redeemed view of human sexuality.[3]

These quotes praise the Theology of the Body for its profound and revolutionary teachings on the theology of the human body, sexuality, and marriage, seen through the lens of God's original plan for human beings.[1][3]







Structure of the Catechesis

From United States Conference of Catholic Bishops & based on Pope John Paul II’s original outline and Michael Waldenstein's Man and Woman He Created Them

Section 1: The Words of Christ - Who we are: an Adequate Anthropology

Part 1: Christ Appeals to the "Beginning"

Catechesis on the Book of Genesis (TOB 1-23; Sep 1979 – Apr 1980) - Original Man: the state of his body at the begiing of its existence

Part 2: Christ appeals to the Human Heart

Catechesis on the Sermon on the Mount (TOB 24-63; Apr 1980 – May 1981) - Redemption of the Heart and Historical Man

a - The Body in the State of the Sinful Nature of Man (24-43)

b - The Body in the State of Redeemed Nature (44-63)

Part 3: Christ Appeals to the Resurrection

The Resurrection of the Body & Christian Virginity (TOB 64 – 86; Nov 1981 – Jul 1982)

[Conclusion of Part 1: the Redemption of the Body]

Section 2: The Sacrament - How we are to live

Part 1: The Dimension of Covenant and of Grace

The Sacramentality of Marriage (TOB 87 – 102; Jul – Dec 1982)

Part 2: The Dimension of Sign

(TOB 103-117; Jan 1983 – Jul 1984)

Part 3: He Gave Them the Law of Life as Their Inheritance

Reflections on Humanae vitae (TOB 118 – 133; Jul 1984 – Nov 1984) - Love and Fruitfulness: The Pastoral Care of the Marriage and Family


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Each session is broken down into approximately 1 hour, if it is desired you can stop in the middle of one and continue from there next time.

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The Words of Christ - Who we are: an Adequate Anthropology

The Sacrament - How we are to live

To Read every Theology of the Body Audience verbatim

Buy the Book version of the Text with a better translation

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