Bible Study Guide 1

The Essential Story of Scripture

Studying the Bible allows us to encounter the source of our faith and receive God's intent, truth, and will directly into our lives. Through His Word, He fully reveals Himself in ways we can comprehend, transforming us in every aspect of our being. This Bible study guide is designed to help us engage with His Word through all senses and dimensions of life—except touch and taste.

Why this Study?

 It is set up to introduce.

This study is designed to introduce Bible Study groups to the overarching story of Scripture and the Christ-centered life as understood by the Catholic Church. It provides context for Christ in both Scripture and our lives, outlining the Christian journey in just 16 sessions. Conducted weekly, the study aligns beautifully with the liturgical calendar if started between December and early January, leading seamlessly to Easter. For a more flexible schedule—accounting for longer sessions or off weeks—an earlier start in October, November, or even August/September is recommended.

 You can go anywhere from here.

This study distills the essential story of Scripture into key verses, offering an efficient way to grasp the overarching narrative. As you progress, you'll discover your place in the Greatest Story Ever Told, understanding how we—and you, specifically—fit into this grand narrative of life. With this perspective fully formed, you'll be equipped to view any verse within its proper context and meaning.


We believe the Holy Spirit guides both the creation of general programs and the unique moments within them. We encourage following the group's interests and remaining open to discussion and diverse perspectives. While this study is designed thoughtfully, we recognize it may not perfectly suit everyone. Therefore, we welcome your recommendations and insights on passages to enrich the experience for all participants. Let us know through the error form or join our team and help us develop it

You can complete this study yourself or use this as a Guide to lead a group or both.

 Universally Applicable and Available

We strive to keep this study free, and your support helps make that possible. Additionally, this study is not directed at any one person or perspective. It is broadly ecumenical, designed to deepen any Christian's experience of Scripture and their journey of faith.

 It is also mobile-friendly and easy to share.

Synthesis of Narrative of Bible Study (for Leader Information)


We now begin a study that delves into the essential story of sacred Scripture. Before diving deeply, it is crucial to understand the context and relationships within Scripture to interpret it faithfully. By grounding each verse in the broader framework of salvation history, we open our hearts to the Spirit's true meaning, allowing the text to transform us. To grasp the whole, we must understand its defining aspects—those elements without which Scripture would lose its essence and coherence. This foundational principle is key to scriptural interpretation. 

As we proceed, we will examine the critical parts of Scripture that illuminate the whole, without which its message would falter. Keep this in mind: as Christians, we should never grow weary of our story. Whether as descendants of Abraham or Noah, Scripture reflects not only the grand narrative of salvation but also the unique story God is authoring in each of our lives. To live this story fully, we must continually immerse ourselves in its beauty, drink deeply of its goodness, and embrace its reality anew.

Skip to Session

Each session is broken down into approximately 1 hour, if it is desired you can stop in the middle of one and take off from there next time.

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