Thirteenth Station – Jesus is taken down from the cross

Luke 23:50-53

The noise has stopped.  Mary and a few of my faithful disciples take me down from the cross.  They say nothing.  They do nothing, except, with hearts aching, hold my limp body.  All is silent…

You may have been taught that being my disciple is primarily an active role.  The more you do to improve yourself, the Church and the world, the better.  There are times when you must work, of course, but there are even more crucial times when you must say nothing and do nothing except be with me, your heart aching, as Mary and the faithful disciples were with me after the crucifixion.

I had asked some of the apostles to be with me during my agony in the garden.  “Will you watch one hour with me?” I had asked.  But they were so depleted from talking, walking, planning and worrying about the future that they quickly fell asleep.  Not one of them had the energy left to be with me.  How often that has happened through the centuries!

After my crucifixion, my disciples waited and watched in silence.  Some were closer to me then than they were ever before.  Do I have to die to get you to listen and love in silence?

Be with me in silent heartfelt prayer at least once a day every day — and you will be on the road to becoming a faithful disciple.