Session #5

Covenant 1: Adamic

What is a covenant?

1. Formal Cause of Covenants

Definition: The essence or "blueprint" of the covenant, defining its nature and structure.

2. Material Cause of Covenants

Definition: The "stuff" or matter from which the covenant is made, including the physical signs and participants.

3. Final Cause of Covenants

Definition: The ultimate purpose or goal of the covenant.

4. Efficient Cause of Covenants

Definition: The agent or action that brings the covenant into being.

God's Intent and Command

So we are made to be "like" and in the "image of" God but what does that mean? Who is God (what is He like)?

 How does this happen?

CCC 31 Created in God's image and called to know and love him, the person who seeks God discovers certain ways of coming to know him...

This question intertwines itself with the question of whether God exists. We must first exist in a way to detect Him. But most of all we get to know Him

What is likeness?

 When we talk about Imago dei that correlates to the structure of our being. But what is likeness?

Genesis 2:15-17

Man's Response - Genesis 3:1-7

This covenant image beginning with the unity of two entities is important.

The Covenant with Adam - Genesis 2:1-4

If desired

Listen to the song below but imagine the soul-crushing whirlwind it must have been to fall from grace and the harmony that existed to find oneself full of regret and longing that everything that was once so well working together now with new lies to unbelieve and more temptations to further sin. Imagine Adam telling his grandchildren what it was like.